Optimizing how we manage our natural resources in the face of climate change challenges every government on this planet. Programs must cover Huge geographic areas and have a real impact on government budgets. Get the data you need from multiple sensor sources to drive effective food and water security.

Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) is a powerful tool in understanding plate tectonics, surface deformation, fluid extraction (e.g., groundwater pumping, fracking), and their relationship to landslides and earthquakes.

Synthetic Aperture Radar is an ideal complement to expensive point-based instruments. InSAR data can be used to cost-effectively assist researchers where they can most efficiently deploy ground-based sensors to get the answers they need.

If you are an academic researcher, research organization, or governmental agency contact the ingeniSPACE’s Academic Research partnership team here.

Land Use and Water Management

Manage risk. Be responsive. Be prepared.


Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing


Supply Chain Monitoring: Shipping