Geospatial business intelligence. Democratized.
ingeniSPACE’s insight-as-a-service drives informed decision-making
Agile Imaging and Analysis - get answers not pictures
Need remote sensing data? ingeniSPACE makes it easy to acquire archive, task and incorporate geospatial data into your workflow across multiple constellations. Need to streamline your workflow?
Use a single platform to define areas of interest, request imagery across multiple constellation providers, view & process multi-sensor data, analyze and set alerts.
Maintain high revisit rates on your area of interest
No need to set up complicated multi-vendor relationships
Fuse your data with ours to create unique perspectives.
Work with our data and imagery professionals to create custom analyses to build a deeper look based on your needs.
Extend “executive decision time” by using our machine learning algorithms to bring attention to objects of interest in your area of interest.
Space Domain Awareness - see the signal through the noise
Sending assets into orbit? Through our space radar network, ingeniSPACE provides Launch and Early Orbit services to help you maintain custody during this critical phase. Worried about conjunctions affecting your constellation investments? Our near real time monitoring capabilities will keep you informed.
Near real-time monitoring of space debris in low-earth and medium-earth orbit
No need to set up complicated multi-vendor relationships
Monitor conjunctions and maintain custody of constellations
Launch and early orbit phase support
Characterize nation state RPO activity and cost-effectively maintain Space Domain awarenss
With today’s volatile geopolitical environment and increasing likelihood of conjunction, maintaining space situational awareness is necessary to ensure the economic viability and mission success of your investments.
Get the insights you need delivered straight to your desk.
ingeniSPACE Insights
We give decision makers the insights and time to consider their next steps.
Working with ingeniSPACE is easy.
Building and integrating a SAR archive to support your business or research initiatives has never been easier. The ingeniSPACE SAR constellation provides high-volume, cost-effective data for governments, non-governmental organizations, researchers, policymakers, and law enforcement. ingeniSPACE sends data in a wide range of formats to your desktop and can be integrated easily into your existing business workflow.
1) Unparalleled revisit rates at very high resolutions.
2) Subscription-based analytical services.
3) Advisory support for novel problems or custom analytics.
4) Geospatial analytical training for your team